Oregon Health Authority’s Director’s Comments Are Bitter Pill To Swallow
The Oregon Health Authority churns out lies to fuel its favorite agendas.
During the pandemic, we learned you can’t trust OHA.
Latest example: OHA’s Public Health Director, Cara Biddlecom, sent an email to Oregon staff claiming, quote “…the recent death of 16-year-old Oklahoma student Nex Benedict, who died because of injuries inflicted (in a) brutal physical attack… This violent assault …is deeply felt in the LGBTQ…community”.
It fits the narrative, but it’s flat-out false.
Here’s what is true.
There was a fight. Nex Benedict is a 16-year-old student, and she did die.
Here’s what’s also true.
The medical examiner announced 3 weeks ago, Benedict DID NOT DIE from trauma, despite what Biddlecom claims.
Police Body Cam Video of Benedict shows no visible signs of injury, no distress, and Benedict calmly telling a cop SHE started the fight, and, as she put it, “I threw one of them into a towel dispenser.”
The fight ended in two minutes, and Benedict was checked out and sent home.
She died the next day for reasons the medical examiner is still investigating.
Just remember, at OHA, they NEVER let facts get in the way of a good story.