Killer Kids On The Loose And The Government Lies About It
I absolutely hate it when our government lies to its citizens.
Case in point (this morning), a group of what Washington State labels “children” is running loose somewhere in Vancouver.
They ran away from the Echo Glen “children’s” center on Saturday.
No big deal, right?
Except these state-labeled “children” include kiddos convicted of murder 1, murder 2, multiple robberies and assaults and even firearms convictions.
Not your average high school kids.
One of the convicted killer “children” escaped once back in January and now has escaped again.
You know the government, no mistake, no matter how big, ever brings a pink slip the way it would in a private company out here in the real world.
Echo Glen has seen three escapes in the past two years.
Ah, those slippery kids. This bunch broke out Sunday night by attacking a woman staff member, and stole her stuff including her car keys.
Vancouver police found the criminal’s getaway car here in Vancouver…so those of us who live here have been told to “stay inside”.
You might want to make sure your pistol is locked and cocked, too.
Like “The Doors” used to sing, “There’s a killer on the road”.