Criminal Alien of the Week Report October 24, 2023

U.S. Customs and Border Protection: Criminal Noncitizen Report for Fiscal Year 2023

October 24, 2023

By David Olen Cross

United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is an important element of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) who along with other elements of DHS collectively work together in attempting to keep our nations citizens and residents safe from foreign national threats to public safety.

A critical responsibility of U.S. Customs and Border Protection is preventing foreign nationals (criminal noncitizens) who have been convicted of domestic or foreign crimes and deported from the country from illegally entering or reentering the United States of America.

The U.S. Border Patrol Criminal Noncitizen Statistics webpage is an excellent source for information that indicates the number of criminal aliens CBP caught, interdicted or prevented from entering the country. Moreover, the Criminal Noncitizen Statistics webpage reveals the types of prior criminal convictions that prohibited them by federal law from being legally present in the country.

For Fiscal Year 2023 U.S. Customs and Border Protection has taken into custody and arrested 15,267 criminal noncitizens (Note: CBP’s Fiscal Year runs from October 1, 2022 – September 30, 2023).

Listed below are the total criminal convictions of the 15,267 criminal noncitizens by types and numbers of crimes; the most recent U.S. Customs and Border Protection criminal noncitizen numbers available were posted on the CBP webpage on October 22, 2023 (Note: The preceding CBP number of criminal noncitizens doesn’t match the actual number of illegal noncitizen criminals because some noncitizens had more than one criminal conviction.).

Types of Criminal Convictions                            Number Criminal Convictions

– Assault, battery, domestic violence                                                      1,254;

– Burglary, robbery, larceny, theft, fraud                                                   864;

– Driving under the influence                                                                   2,493;

– Homicide, manslaughter                                                                            29;

– Illegal drug possession, trafficking                                                       2,055;

– Illegal entry, re-entry                                                                            8,790;

– Illegal weapons possession, transport, trafficking                                    307;

– Sexual offenses                                                                                     284;

– Other offenses                                                                                    3,286.

Total Number of Criminal Convictions:                                                    19,362

Explaining the preceding numbers, U.S. Customs and Border Protection took into custody and arrested in Fiscal Year 2023 a total of 15,276 criminal noncitizens having 19,362 previous criminal convictions.

To help politicians, electronic / hardcopy media outlets or interested persons put a real world face on some of the 15,276 criminal noncitizens that have been arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection for illegally entering or reentering the country during Fiscal Year 2023 the CBP Newsroom webpage is a starting point.

On the CBP Newsroom webpage, Click on the upper left side of the webpage on Media Releases and open the webpage. Options are available on the News Releases webpage to search for both local or national media releases.

Near the top of the CBP Media Releases webpage set the date search criteria to indicate Fiscal Year 2023 time period (October 1, 2022 – September 30, 2023); set the Media Releases box to read Local Media Releases; to search, type in the Keywords box for example Washington or Oregon moreover the name of any other state or location of interest; Click the Apply button and stories that fit the parameters of the search will appear in the form of individual media releases.

Here are excerpts and hyperlinks to three U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) media releases of enforcement actions undertaken by CBP agents that were revealed using the search names of the states of Washington and Oregon:

1.) Sep 20, 2023 | U.S. Border Patrol agents in Sumas respond to vehicle accident involving seven noncitizens |Local Media Release

BLAINE, Wash.— Blaine Sector Border Patrol agents from the Sumas Station responded to a vehicle accident involving seven citizens of Romania who had just…Read More >

2.) Sep 7, 2023 | Blaine Sector Border Patrol agents rescue three people stranded in mountains | Local Media Release

BLAINE, Wash. — Blaine Sector Border Patrol agents from the Sumas Station rescued three people in the mountains near Sumas Friday morning.

Blaine… Read More >

3.) Apr 25, 2023 | Del Rio Sector agents arrest MS-13 gang member and four sex offenders | Local Media Release

DEL RIO, Texas — U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to Del Rio Sector arrested a Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang member, and four convicted sex offenders,… Read More >

Following the preceding how to instructions, politicians, electronic / hardcopy media outlets or interested persons, if they aren’t already doing so, can put a face on some of the 15,267 criminal noncitizens, possibly with a connection to their state or location, with past criminal convictions who were arrested and detained by U.S. Customs and Border Protection in Fiscal Year 2023 for illegal entry or reentry into the United State of America.

David Olen Cross of Salem, Oregon is crime researcher who writes on immigration issues and foreign national crime. The preceding report is a service to federal, state, county and city elected and non elected governmental officials to help them assess the impact of foreign national crime in the United States of America. He can be reached at [email protected]. His current and past crime reports can be found at


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