Criminal Alien of the Week Report 09-26-23

Lars Larson Show: Criminal Alien of the Week Report

September 25, 2023


The “Criminal Alien of the Week Report” in the last full week of September 2023 has for your radio listeners and webpage followers another far too common occurrence of a criminal alien who has been convicted and sentenced to prison for perpetrating a sex crime on a child out of Washington County, Oregon.

Some background information, on Monday, August 31, 2020 the Washington County District Attorney’s Office (WCDAO) issued a news release titled “Jury Finds Ruben Serrano-Garcia Guilty in Child Sex Abuse Case.”

Here is the text of the brief WCDAO’s news release regarding the resolution of the criminal case against Ruben Serrano-Garcia:

“HILLSBORO, Ore.- On August 25, 2020, a Washington County jury found Ruben Serrano-Garcia guilty on one count of first-degree sexual abuse. Senior Deputy District Attorney Andy Pulver prosecuted the case before Judge Erik Buchér.

In April of 2019, the victim reported to a school counselor that he had been sexually abused by the defendant over a course of several years. The Washington County Sheriff’s Office launched an investigation and found the allegations credible. Detectives later interviewed the defendant. He acknowledged a historical incident in which the victim had accused him of inappropriate touching. The defendant said he was intoxicated at the time and unsure if the touching had occurred. He denied the remaining allegations.

The Washington County District Attorney’s Office wishes to acknowledge the bravery shown by the victim in reporting the abuse. This office also wishes to thank the Washington County Sheriff’s Office and the staff of CARES Northwest for their work on this case.

A sentencing hearing is set for November 5, 2020. The defendant will remain in custody until that time.” – Washington County District Attorney’s Office.

After Ruben Serrano-Garcia’s November 5, 2020 sentencing in Washington County Circuit Court, the “Criminal Alien of the Week Report” on September 13, 2023 did a OREGON JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT – Online Records Search on him (Case Number: 19CR70365) that confirmed a Washington County jury found he was guilty of one count of First Degree Sexual Abuse (Note Ruben Serrano-Garcia (Case Number: 19CR70365) was provided with a language interpreter during the prosecution and resolution of this criminal case.).

Also on September 13, 2023 the “Criminal Alien of the Week Report” did a Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC) Oregon Offender Search (OOS) and found out Ruben Serrano-Garcia (Case Number: 19CR70365; SID: 23555514; DOB: 07/20/1982), age 41, is currently in the custody of the DOC prison system at the Snake River Correctional Institution (SRCI) located in Ontario, Oregon.

Seeking information on Ruben Serrano-Garcia’s immigration status on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 the “Criminal Alien of the Week Report” contacted via e-mail U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Public Affairs for the Northwest Region.

On Friday, September 22, 2023 an ICE Public Affairs Officer (PAO) responded via e-mail with the following statement on Ruben Serrano-Garcia:

“ICE officers make enforcement decisions on a case-by-case basis in a professional and responsible manner, informed by their experience as law enforcement officials and in a way that best protects against the greatest threats to the homeland.


Ruben Serrano-Garcia, 41, is a Mexican national convicted by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County of felony sexual abuse, receiving a sentence of 75 months in prison and 10 years of post-prison supervision Nov. 5, 2020. Seattle Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) encountered Serrano-Garcia following his arrest by the Washington County Sheriff’s Office Oct. 29, 2019, and placing an immigration detainer with the Oregon State Department of Corrections Nov. 17, 2020, where he is currently incarcerated.” – ICE Public Affairs Spokesperson.

Summing up the topic of this week’s report, Mexican national sexual offender Ruben Serrano-Garcia for his sex crime conviction of a child is just one of hundreds criminals aliens with immigration detainers who are incarcerated for sex crimes in the Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC) prison system.

Again the “Criminal Alien of the Week Report” sends out a special thank you to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Public Affairs team who contributed significant information to help make this report” possible.

Lars, the last full week of September 2023 and another “Criminal Alien of the Week Report” for Lars Larson Show KXL FM 101.1 Pacific Northwest radio listeners and website followers.

David Olen Cross




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