Vaccines Like Votes Should Be Up To YOU Not The Government
For whatever reason, people want my recommendations for the issues and candidates to vote for this election. I’ll deliver that today.
But I have two specific things I’d like every voter to do BETWEEN now and November 8th, the day we USED to call “election day”.
First, in Oregon ask the candidates for Governor if the state should follow the CDC recommendation made last week that all school kids must take the covid shot to get into class.
Demand to know a definitive answer.
I plan to ask Christine Drazan and I hope she says “that decision should be made by parents”.
Kotek and Johnson, I’d suggest, will let the state’s failed Health Authority make the decision.
Young children get Covid rarely and only very rarely suffer ill effects.
The so-called “vaccine”, which does not prevent Covid, does not prevent transmission, does not work very well…and has known side effects like myocarditis .
Weigh the risks and make your decision.
Over the weekend we learned that the 5 times vaxxed head of the CDC, Rochelle Wolensky, just got Covid…30 days after her last booster.
That’s some vaccine, I’ll tell yuh.
Demand candidates tell you…especially the ones that argue aborting a child is an “individual” decision, but taking the jab is not.
Second, mark your ballot and then deliver it to the elections office in person only on election day. Tina and I have been doing that for years and it’s a sensible precaution against America’s epidemic of ballot fraud.