Unpacking the Influence of George Soros on American Politics
Anyone who follows politics has probably heard the name George Soros more times than they can count, but stories about the leftist billionaire come in so often, it leaves us asking how much of an impact does he have?
Billionaire George Soros is a prominent leftist donor with unparalleled influence in American politics. He has spent over $32 billion and several decades building a vast network of allies across various fields. This influence extends beyond the US, as Soros, his Open Society Foundations, and their funded charities wield significant power worldwide through connections with the media. Soros’ wealth provides him access to influential media figures, top news outlets, and prominent government executives globally. The journalism groups he supports have the capability to shape public opinion across multiple continents and languages, and reporters view him as an ally rather than a subject of investigation, shielding him from inquiry. For more information, Lars speaks with Dan Schneider, VP of Free Speech America and Business at the Media Research Center.