The CDC Has Good News But Not For You Says Kate & Jay

So the masks come off for the vaccinated?  Well, Kate and Jay, the frick and frack of American Governors always find ways to complicate things.

Queen Kate just laid out her extortionist demand this week…70% vaccinate or else…when the CDC finally followed common sense and said “if you’re vaccinated, the masks can come off”.

Just weeks ago, Oregon OHSA adopted PERMANENT mask rules…even as vaccination numbers were shooting up…and hospitalization and deaths dropped.

Does OSHA rescind those rules?  Kate ain’t saying

Can businesses now welcome the great unmasked masses?

Not so fast says Lockdown Brown…the state is still, as she puts it, “updating its guidance”.  Maybe the answer will come faster than your unemployment checks.

Jay Inslee announced that he’s going to ease restrictions on masks but he made the same 70 percent demand Brown rolled out.

And full reopening…the place 40 other states around America have already arrived at…that’s still 6 weeks away on Jay’s timetable.

Meanwhile, Kate Brownshirt announced she’s still developing the rules for how the vaccinated will have to prove their status…”your papers please”.

Funny, how the same two democrats who don’t believe in voter ID suddenly want you to provide ID just to walk into a store.

Brown won’t say when she’s giving up her emergency, dictator powers…which currently run through the end of June.