Lars Thoughts: The “Forgotten Jobless” have suffered two months with no income

Every day I hear from more people waiting months to get unemployment benefits.  While all the states got caught short by a surge of claims Oregon’s performance stands out as the worst.  Most of the “Forgotten Jobless” I feature every day on my talk show filed their claims in mid March. They have suffered two months with no income.  I know the obligations of a small employer because I provide paychecks for 3 Oregonians.  I pay the fees that fund unemployment.  Does the accidental Governor, Kate Brown know HER obligations?  She was Secretary of State when her OWN office produced an audit,  predicting the very computer meltdown that caused this.  The Congress gave Oregon more than 80-million bucks 11 years ago, to fix the computers. It remains unspent. Now, more than a quarter of a million laid off workers stand to lose more than 160-million in benefits. The Brown administration couldn’t even figure out how to waive the so-called “waiting week” when President Trump signed a law that allowed it. Kate lucked into the job of Governor because of the corruption of her predecessor. She knew the problem, had the money and the authority to fix it…but since she won’t face voters again…can you see any sign at all that she gives a damn what happens to you?  And none of her Democrat majority lawmakers calls her out for this failure that hurts you.  Think of that the next time you mark an election ballot.


-Lars Larson

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