Lars Thoughts: Kate Brown promises truth and transparency, lies to your face and gets away with it

Kate Brown followed a corrupt Governor so she knew voters wanted something different. So, she promised, “the most transparent government” in state history.  She spent the next five years hiding public records, hiding the deaths and abuse of children in the state’s care, and now she’s lying about the China virus.

Two months ago, she refused to even tell citizens how many infected people the state was monitoring.

Now, the top medical officer from the Oregon Health Authority lies about the dangers of infection.

The Daily Fishwrapper quotes Dr Dana Hargunani that sick people who don’t show symptoms “are unlikely or less likely to cause transmission of the virus”.

I’ve interviewed more than a dozen doctors about this disease over the past two months.  They all agree that asymptomatic spread it.

Medical studies show people who feel fine can make others deathly ill without even knowing it.

The very reason China Virus spreads so rapidly is that seemingly healthy people get other people sick.

Kate Brown promises truth and transparency, lies to your face and gets away with it.  Why should the agencies who serve her act any different?  Even when it puts your life at risk.


-Lars Larson

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