Criminal Alien of the Week Report by David Cross
It has been an interesting third full week in the month of September 2021 when it comes to criminal aliens (illegal aliens) here in the Pacific Northwest states of Washington, Oregon and Idaho.
This week we have a “Criminal Alien of the Week Report” for your radio listeners and webpage readers a news report on a criminal illegal alien allegedly involved in drive-by-shooting that resulted in a homicide in the state of Washington.
On Thursday, September 16, 2021 the Vancouver Police Department (VPD) issued a news release titled “Vancouver Police arrest homicide suspect.”
The VPD news release disclosed 23-year-old Luis Fernando Perez-Mejia was arrested by law enforcement on Wednesday, September 15, 2021 as a suspect in the Saturday, August 21, 2021 drive-by-shooting that allegedly resulted in the death of 34-year-old Armando Prado Valencia.
Luis Fernando Perez-Mejia has been charged with “Murder II, Drive By Shooting, 2 counts of Unlawful Possession of a Firearm and Possession of a Stolen Firearm.”
Since Wednesday, August 15, 2021 Luis Fernando Perez-Mejia (Clark County Jail Number: CFN: 242877; DOB: 7/20/1998) has been in the custody Clark County Jail (CCJ) in Vancouver, Washington. A viewing of the CCJ website reveals Perez-Mejia’s combined bail is set at $1,500,000.00.
Some background information, late last week the “Criminal Alien of the Week Report” was searching for an individual involved in a crime to have U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Public Affairs investigate in regards to that person’s immigration status, Luis Fernando Perez-Mejia was at the top of the alien crime report’s list.
As if intuitively, no contact necessary, on Friday, September 17, 2021 ICE Public Affairs Officer (PAO) David Yost sent the “Criminal Alien of the Week Report” via e-mail the following statement on the historical immigration status of Luis Fernando Perez-Mejia.
“Luis Fernando Perez-Mejia, 23, is a Salvadoran national who is unlawfully present in the United States. Perez-Mejia was first encountered by U.S. Border Patrol near the Rio Grande Valley, Texas, in April 2016. At the time Perez-Mejia was a juvenile, released to his father, and was issued a notice to appear in an immigration court. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) encountered Perez-Mejia 16 Sept. at the Clark County Jail, Vancouver Washington, after his arrest for felony murder, drive by shooting, unlawful firearm possession, possession of a stolen firearm, and being a fugitive from justice. Perez-Mejia has previous convictions for felony unlawful use of a weapon, misdemeanor strangulation constituting domestic violence, misdemeanor unlawful possession of a firearm, and contempt of court. An immigration judge ordered Perez-Mejia removed in absentia In February 2018.” – David Yost, ICE Public Affairs Officer.
Trying to figure out the extent of Luis Fernando Perez-Mejia’s criminal history since a federal immigration judge in February 2018 ordered his removal from the country in absentia, the “Criminal Alien of the Week Report” investigated the state online court record systems of both Washington and Oregon.
An Odyssey Portal – Washington Courts Online Case Search revealed the current felony cases being adjudicated in Clark County Superior Court involving Luis F Perez-Mejia (aka Luis Fernando Perez-Mejia):
• File Date: 09/16/2021; Case Number: 21-1-01669-06.
Preliminary Appearance: 09/16/2021; Comment: First Appr #6 (Drive By Shooting/Firearm Poss Unlwfl-2/Murder-2/Poss Stolen Firearm) DOB 7/20/1998; Comment: 1.5 Million W/Conditions Set.
Initial Arraignment: 09/30/2021.
• File Date: 09/16/2021: Case Number: 21-1-01666-06.
Preliminary Appearance: 09/16/2021. Comment: First Appr #6 (FFJ) DOB 7/20/1998. Comment: No Bail Hold. Comment: Refused Extradition.
Review Hearing: 09/30/2021.
An OREGON JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT – Online Records Search revealed the felony and misdemeanor cases having been or being adjudicated in Multnomah County Circuit Court involving Luis Fernando Perez-Mejia (aka Luis F Perez-Mejia:
• File Date: 03/29/2019: Case Number: 19CR21124: Charge Date 03/15/2019 one count of Identify Theft. Indictment: 03/29/2019.
Arraignment: 04/01/2019.
Order- Release from Custody 06/03/2019.
Order – Bench Warrant: 08/16/2019 (Note: This is an open unresolved Class C Felony Case).
• File Date: 02/01/2019: Case Number: 19CR08007: Charge Date 02/01/2019 one count of Contempt of Court/Punitive.
Plea on 03/18/2019 to one count of Contempt of Court/Punitive. Admit.
Convicted on 03/18/2019 on one count of Contempt of Court/Punitive.
Sentenced on 03/18/2019 on one count of Contempt of Court/Punitive to Incarceration 30-Days County Jail Remand (Note: Consecutive Cases: 19CR08005) and Probation Supervised 18-Months. Estimated End Date 09/18/2020.
• File Date: 02/01/2019: Case Number: 19CR08005: Charge Date 02/01/2019 on one count of Unlawful Possession of a Firearm.
Plea on 03/18/2019 to one count of Unlawful Possession of a Firearm. Guilty.
Convicted on 03/18/2019 on one count of Unlawful Possession of a Firearm.
Sentenced on 03/18/2019 on one count of Unlawful Possession of a Firearm 30-Days County Jail Remand (Note: Consecutive Cases: 19CR08007) and Probation Supervised 18-Months. Estimated End Date 09/18/2020.
• File Date: 12/26/2018: Case Number: 18CR85387: Charge Date 12/17/2018 on one count of Assault in the Fourth Degree. Charge Date 12/24/2018 on one count of Unlawful Use of a Weapon, one count of Strangulation and one count of Assault in the Fourth Degree and Coercion.
Convicted on 05/20/2019 on one count of Unlawful Use of a Weapon and one count of Strangulation.
Sentenced on 05/20/2019 to Probation Supervised 3-Years. Estimated End Date 05/19/2022.
Clearly Luis Fernando Perez-Mejia’s alleged most recent current criminal conduct and past criminal history has a connection with the criminal justice systems in both the states of Washington and Oregon.
Seeking additional information on the current criminal charges Luis Fernando Perez-Mejia faces in the state of Washington the “Criminal Alien of the Week Report” on Monday, September 20, 2021 contacted and received via e-email on the same day from the Clark County Superior Court Clerk’s Office an “Arresting Officers Probable Cause” statement on Case Number: 21-1-01669-06.
Information in the “Arresting Officers Probable Cause” statement revealed alleged shooter Luis Fernando Perez-Mejia, aka “Psycho,” as associated with the Sureno gang and his alleged shooting victim Armando Prado Valencia, aka “Diablo,” as a Norento gang member.
Salvadoran national, criminal illegal alien, Luis Fernando Perez-Mejia on Saturday, August 21, 2021 allegedly shooting to death Armando Prado Valencia in Vancouver, Washington appears to have been senseless gang territorial tribalism that exploded in an act of gang member versus rival gang member violence.